MDM Transportation Consultants
Transportation Planning
MDM offers a wide range of Transportation Planning services – from transportation design feasibility and build-out studies to comprehensive transportation studies that fulfill local, state and federal requirements. Our experience has consistently shown that the planning stage is a vital platform upon which successful projects are built, and it is a primary determinant of a project’s ultimate “buildability” and associated infrastructure costs. We apply an integrated approach to planning whereby planners and engineers work collaboratively to model solutions and value-engineer conceptual infrastructure improvements. Given that transportation design affects everyday citizens' daily mobility and quality of life, MDM’s approach to planning strives to balance community consensus with project needs and budgets.
MDM transportation planning services
Traffic Impact and Access Studies
Project Feasibility and Build-Out Studies
Transportation Demand Management
Community Transportation Master Planning
Multi-Model Transportation Systems
Peer Review
Parking Studies
Transit Studies
Site and Facility Circulation Studies
Traffic Calming Studies
Public Presentation and Consensus Building
Expert Testimony